Here's why Paul Wight (fka The Big Show) left WWE for AEW

Publish date: 2020-04-10

The Big Show (real-life Paul Wight) has been a veteran of the pro-wrestling industry for several years. During a recent interview, he revealed why he left WWE for AEW.

Paul Wight shocked the wrestling world when he announced his departure from WWE. After spending over two decades with the company, Wight signed with AEW, becoming perhaps one of the biggest names to jump ship from Vince McMahon's promotion.

The former WWE world champion's decision to leave the promotion for AEW came to fruition on February 24, 2021, when he was announced as the commentator for AEW Dark: Elevation.

During a recent interview with the Deuce and Mo radio show, Paul Wight shed some light on his decision. The erstwhile Big Show explained that he needed to push himself to be too "complacent."

"When you have a lot of passion and you have more things that you want to personally accomplish, sometimes taking yourself out of a very comfortable environment challenges yourself. It was more of a deep-down personal thing that I really needed to push myself to not be complacent," Wight said. [H/T Wrestling Inc.]

Upon joining Tony Khan's promotion, he eventually made his in-ring debut for the company at All Out 2021 in a victory against QT Marshall.

Paul Wight talks about his relationship with WWE

Paul Wight (fka The Big Show) recently discussed his relationship with Stamford-based promotion on the Deuce and Mo radio show.

During the interview, Wight stated that he doesn't have any hard feelings towards anyone there.

"I was very comfortable in WWE, I was treated well... [I had] great relationships with the management and production, I don't have any hard feelings with anyone there at all," Wight said. [H/T- Wrestling Inc.]

Although he hasn't competed in nearly a year, Wight still has a few names on his list before retiring. The former Big Show last wrestled on the March 30, 2022, episode of AEW Dark: Elevation against Austin Green. He is yet to be defeated in the promotion.

What are your thoughts on Paul Wight's AEW run? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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