Fame | Stubby Clapp net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

Publish date: 2021-07-26

How old is Stubby Clapp? When is Stubby Clapp's birthday? Where is Stubby Clapp born? Where did Stubby Clapp grow up from? What's Stubby Clapp's age?

Stubby Clapp Born: 1973 (age 50years), Windsor, Canada

How about Stubby Clapp's education?

Stubby Clapp Education: Texas Tech University, Honourable W.C. Kennedy Collegiate

How tall is Stubby Clapp in meters or centimeters?

Stubby Clapp Height: 5 8

How about Stubby Clapp's weight?

Stubby Clapp Weight: 176lbs

Is Stubby Clapp married?

Footage showed that Cardinals first base coach Stubby Clapp \u2014 a 5-foot-8, 175-pound 49-year-old \u2014 actually tackled Mets star Pete Alonso to the ground.

How big is Stubby Clapp?

Footage showed that Cardinals first base coach Stubby Clapp \u2014 a 5-foot-8, 175-pound 49-year-old \u2014 actually tackled Mets star Pete Alonso to the ground.

Who is the first base coach for the St Louis Cardinals?

Footage showed that Cardinals first base coach Stubby Clapp \u2014 a 5-foot-8, 175-pound 49-year-old \u2014 actually tackled Mets star Pete Alonso to the ground.

How tall is the Cardinals first base coach?

Footage showed that Cardinals first base coach Stubby Clapp \u2014 a 5-foot-8, 175-pound 49-year-old \u2014 actually tackled Mets star Pete Alonso to the ground.
