Fame | Michael Levin (biologist) net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024
How about Michael Levin (biologist)'s award?
Michael Levin (biologist) Award: Cozzarelli prize (2020)
How about Michael Levin (biologist)'s field?
Michael Levin (biologist) Field: Developmental biology, synthetic biology
How old is Michael Levin (biologist)? When is Michael Levin (biologist)'s birthday? Where is Michael Levin (biologist) born? Where did Michael Levin (biologist) grow up from? What's Michael Levin (biologist)'s age?
Michael Levin (biologist) Born: 1969 (age 54years), Moscow, Russia
How about Michael Levin (biologist)'s education?
Michael Levin (biologist) Education: Harvard University (19921996), Tufts University (19881992)
How about Michael Levin (biologist)'s doctor_advisor?
Michael Levin (biologist) Doctor_advisor: Clifford Tabin
How about Michael Levin (biologist)'s affiliation?
Michael Levin (biologist) Affiliation: University of Cape Town
How about Michael Levin (biologist)'s research_interest?
Michael Levin (biologist) Research_interest: Allergy, Immunology, Cross Cultural Communication
Where is Michael Levin buried?
Michael Levin made Aliyah from Philadelphia in 2002 and joined the Paratroopers. In the summer of 2006, he was given leave to visit his family in the United States. Two weeks into his trip, war broke out on Israel's northern border. Michael cut short his vacation and flew back to Israel to serve with his unit.
What academic titles does Michael Levin hold?
Michael Levin made Aliyah from Philadelphia in 2002 and joined the Paratroopers. In the summer of 2006, he was given leave to visit his family in the United States. Two weeks into his trip, war broke out on Israel's northern border. Michael cut short his vacation and flew back to Israel to serve with his unit.
Who was the lone soldier from Philadelphia?
Michael Levin made Aliyah from Philadelphia in 2002 and joined the Paratroopers. In the summer of 2006, he was given leave to visit his family in the United States. Two weeks into his trip, war broke out on Israel's northern border. Michael cut short his vacation and flew back to Israel to serve with his unit.