WWE's Road Dogg Hospitalized After Suffering Heart Attack, Wife Says

Publish date: 2021-11-08

WWE star Brian James -- aka Road Dogg -- is bedridden in a hospital after suffering an apparent heart attack ... this according to his wife, who's asking for thoughts and prayers.

Tracy James broke the scary news Saturday, saying RD was having a number of tests done in the hospital to confirm what exactly had happened to him ... this after returning home from work Thursday night and feeling terrible from what she says was a likely heart attack.

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She writes, "He has had test run and we’re currently waiting for the results.he has also seen a kidney specialist and will have a stress test done. He’s always been on bp meds for high bp. Just please pray all the test come back for something we can fix."

Tracy goes on to say she's a wreck, but trying to stay positive ... leaving it in God's hands to get her hubby back home safely. She also sent out a somewhat reassuring update.

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