Why the Cast Didn't Quit at Night

Publish date: 2022-08-14


Seth Lueker talks about struggling during the first night of 'Outlast.' He revealed why he didn't quit after considering it and more.

Published on March 20, 2023

2 min read

There were multiple cast members who chose not to stick it out on  Netflix’s Outlast. The quitters sometimes shot their flare guns first thing in the morning. One of the season’s winners explained why the cast didn’t quit at night.

‘Outlast’ rules around quitting 

Outlast started with people breaking into four camps with the goal of staying in the wilderness the longest. They were all given some tools and equipment to help their journey.

However, the contestants had to start from scratch to get food, find water, and build their shelter. The only rules of the game are that every player had to be with a team and they could quit at any time.

Cast members can quit by shooting their flare guns in the air. This usually happens in the morning after a long, hard night. But why didn’t they fire their flare gun during the night when it was the coldest?

Why the ‘Outlast’ survivalists didn’t quit at night

Nick Radner, Seth Lueker, Paul Preece, and Angie Kenai talked about toughing it out for the grand prize. But Camp Charlie almost lost an important member during the first night, according to Between The Horns podcast.

Radner revealed he was soaking wet and cold the first night in the woods. He kept waking up and not being able to fall back asleep. The wrestling coach got into Lueker’s lap to try to get warm.

“That night was probably the only night I actually contemplated quitting,” Lueker revealed. “Yeah, I thought about quitting at night. But I’m looking at Nick. I know Nick wants to be there. I thought, ‘Oh man if I just quit right now, it’ll be over. It’ll be warm, dry, get some food.’” 

“But at the same time, it’s like if I fire that flare, it’s gonna take the production like two hours to get there,” he later said. “Because they’re not on-site during the night.” 

Lueker believed once producers get there, it would take an hour to film, then two hours to get back. By then, it might be morning, so he figured he would stay the whole night. This type of thinking is probably why we saw cast members shoot their flare guns in the morning or daytime instead of at night.

Did Seth Lueker quit ‘Outlast’?

Lueker might’ve considered quitting that first night, but he stuck it out. Their shelter went from a tarp to having four walls with more tarp and wood. Camp Charlie became the strongest team after Kenai got them three crab traps. They also made up their numbers by getting Preece on their team and other asking to join them.

Camp Charlie won the season, with Preece, Lueker, and Radner crossing the finish line. So it’s a good thing Lueker didn’t shoot his flare gun. They split the $1 million prize.
